Saturday, July 30, 2016

At last living only for building my company with no liabilities of family

At last time has come where in aim of my life is only to grow old like wine & cheese become costlier as it grows older day by day. Well have finished with all my financial commitments to my family with the financial security is all done and feeling like new born and ready to run only for me myself and my company.

Never had thought to see this day at least so soon, well thanks to life for holding me and making me what i am today. Well from 1st august its all about me building my company and my life. 5n business consultants has given me everything what started as hobby is now a full fledged company and its been growing slow and steady as they say wall of china was built brick by brick.

Slowly 5n is being sought after by bigger companies, getting clients from abroad, it feels nice when people look at you and feel that when you talk other listen, At this same pace if things go well my retirement can happen in next 2 years and i will be able to achieve the dream of retiring at 45 years.

There was time when i was being paid to work, but now the time is where i get paid for my thought it feels nice to be full free with all financial security to family. Its all about just being alive to become more costlier.

There was time where in my one day salary was 4,000 but today my one hour is 5,000 thats the difference i have created.