Sunday, June 6, 2021

Starting New revenue stream happy to be alive in these turbulent times

 ITs been turbulent times for individuals & business, the same being across India with all the problems that are being faced, well in these times also 5NBC has no defaulted even a single month on the dividends and earning and getting clients in these times only proves that business model is strong and knowledge being given to clients is worth for there payments, well its been two months since lockdown but things are fine with 5N still getting clients and revenues.

The best part is starting of new revenue stream, we have got clients who wanted us to do business research and suggest them the next course of action and this accidental client gave way for new revenue stream called as KNOWLEDGE PROCESS OUTSOURCE this revenue source not only gets revenue but also enriches me in acquiring more knowledge and at the cost of client, well this has been a boon in these bane times.

Rest is fine going on well what started as just for hobby has become full time bread earner, rest is fine going on no idea how long with these turbulent times last, but slowly and steadily 5N is growing when I look back to file ITR then is where I realise how much has been earned.

Next week when lockdown opens there will be much more challenges and hard times need to fight it out and come out of it thats what life has taught all these years.

Happy days