Friday, January 9, 2015

Down Under shores are near

Well its been hectic time running with job, business plans and one more it was toefl, well the process which was started last year has at last come to end with Toefl results being announced well have got 84 and hence preparing to file for visa 186, there was bit set back when victoria list was announced and there was no mention of advertising specialist as nominated skill, But when you have prayers with your hard work then things change in your favor. Well the news is that by this month end all the work will be over and i need to start searching for a job to go down under and start a new life. Awaiting prayers will continue from my sweet angel and life will change. Hope i will get job soon and go down under with PR and a job which dream of every person. Going for next 3 years is the time i have to get one job got to put all my digital planning skills to get one. Well angels dream is in process of getting realized all thanks to her prayers. Hope this year end will not be in India. 

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