Saturday, January 28, 2017

Taking New Steps for Growing

Its all about taking trade winds and sailing with wind having no idea as to where its going to take you and will you survive it or perish, but one ray of hope is all about having taken the risk and thinking it will take you to better shores. Well this is what the present definition of my life is all about, travelling  Mauritius to set up GBC-1 company. The registration of company to follow up with soon setting up new company which is Export Management Company. Entering Africa Market from Mauritius, creating platform for Indian SME and MSME helping in reaching out to Buyers in Africa and facilitating trade is what this new company 5n Export Management Company will be doing. 

Sounds so simple, but taking risk of life both financially and psychologically, its like becoming example either good or bad but you become example, thats the journey all about.

It was just a thought when i started to look at pain points of SME and MSME and today its becoming reality.

Well lets see what's in store, only time is going to tell

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